Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cruise Control (Dividers on the Parkway)

Cruise Control (Dividers on the Parkway) – by Kevin Kraemer

What makes me not drive this car into a brick wall? Or off of a twenty story bridge? The slightest drop of my left hand could easily carry me into the metal barricade. Then again, the smallest pressure on the gas pedal from my right foot could send me into oncoming traffic. How little we think of our cars and trucks and SUVs as deadly machines that cannot help but follow our orders. They do our bidding everyday. They cannot escape our control. The only things altering a calm cruise on the highway into a final fatal ride are a few synapses in our brains. They tell us to stay safe and on course. Sometimes I feel I could snap at any second and force myself to forget about those silly rules of the road. Take my Ford Mustang and slam it through a store front window. And they say, “What doesn’t kill you only makes your stronger.” So if I survive, maybe the crash will steer my life into a better direction. Maybe I will feel something more real than this life that I am living. If not, hey, if not.

© September 2007